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Analysis of fault tolerance and reliability in distributed real-time system architectures.

Philippi, Stephan

In: Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 82, Issue 2 , November 2003, pages 195-206. Elsevier, November 2003.

Abstract: Safety critical real-time systems are becoming ubiquitous in many areas of our everyday life. Failures of such systems potentially have catastrophic consequences on different scales, in the worst case even the loss of human life. Therefore, safety critical systems have to meet maximum fault tolerance and reliability requirements. As the design of such systems is far from being trivial, this article focuses on concepts to specifically support the early architectural design. In detail, a simulation based approach for the analysis of fault tolerance and reliability in distributed real-time system architectures is presented. With this approach, safety related features can be evaluated in the early development stages and thus prevent costly redesigns in later ones.

Keywords: Systems modeling; Simulation; Fault injection; Petri-Nets; Information horizon; x-by-wire.

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