In: 3rd Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, pages 115-133. 29-31 August 2001.
Abstract: The Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) is an international standard (RFC 2801) currently being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. IOTP aims at providing an interoperable framework for electronic commerce (e-commerce) over the Internet. IOTP is expected to evolve into one of the central building blocks for the developing of next generation e-commerce on the Internet. We apply Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN for modelling and analysing IOTP, focussing on its protocols architecture. The contribution of this paper is the construction of a CPN specification of RFC 2801. Based on the constructed CPN model, we propose a complete and simplified architecture of IOTP compared with the partial architectural specification given in the RFC. We apply simulation, message sequence charts and state space analysis to validate the CPN models of IOTP exchanges and transactions, and to validate that the suggested protocol architecture conforms to the specif! ication of IOTP given in the RFC.