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Flavor Environments for Simulations: ein Software-Werkzeug zur Entwicklung visueller interaktiver Simulatoren.

Okada, Y.; Tanaka, Y.

In: Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan Vol. 32, No. 6, pages 766-776. 1991.

Abstract: FES is a toolkit for CAD of VLSI systems. An example of the simulation-window (showing Computer Architect's Board designing a disk-system, D64PX2). The visual facilities provided by FES are described. The MV (model-view) modeling approach is discussed. They describe relationship among windows (e.g. edit, trace, report, and graph windows). They discuss graphical images of Ports-VIEW and line-VIEW, their internal structure and their internal relationship through their slot reference. CAB (Computer Architects Board) is then described. They consider representation of the server behavior as a state-transition automaton; description models for queueing model network systems; menu sheets for queueing-model; and an example description of an M/M/1 model in CAB. They also mention PAB (Petri-net Analyzer Board) and LAB (Logical-circuit Analyzer Board) and give an example of a logic circuit described in LAB

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