In: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 19, Issues 1-2 , February-April 2003, pages 35-43. Elsevier, February 2003.
Abstract: Multi-agent systems for manufacturing systems appear to provide adequate response to abrupt disturbances on the shop floor. To date, most of the work has been focused on planning and scheduling but very little work has been done on issues pertaining to monitoring, diagnostics and error recovery. Our approach addresses the issue of combining the discipline of hierarchical systems with the agility of multi-agent systems. Within the context of a hierarchy, the focus is on the workstation level and, in particular, the construction of a re-configurable system having production agents, error recovery agents, and a mediator agent structure connecting production and recovery agent hierarchies. In addition, the relationship to a multi-level, multi-layer hierarchy control is established. This latter hierarchy, based on Petri Net constructs, serves, in one sense, as a retrieval based resource for process planning and generation of recovery plans for production and recovery agents within the proposed multi-agent system. An objective of this effort is to provide a test-bed for comparison of hierarchical systems, heterarchical, and a hybrid combination which is the focus of the investigation presented here.
Keywords: Multi-agent systems; Hierarchical control; Petri Nets; Error recovery; Flexible manufacturing systems.