In: Networks, Biomedical, Electronics, Hydrology, Data Bases and General Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Pittsburgh Conference, 1990, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Part 4, pages 1773-1779. San Diego, CA, USA: Soc. for Computer Simulation Int., 1990.
Abstract: Written language constitutes a discrete source with memory. In a probabilistic approach to natural language analysis a second order Markov model represents the likelihood of a signal transferring from one discrete state to another, thus modelling the probability of one symbol (word form) following another. Any Markov process can be represented by a Stochastic Petri Net. This paper describes a computer program, written in Pascal, which simulates the action of a Stochastic Petri Net. An example will be given showing the applicability of this program to probabilistic natural language analysis.
Keywords: stochastic net model (for) natural language parsing; second order Markov model (for) natural language; Pascal; stochastic net simulation tool.