Arbeitspapiere der GMD Nr. 521. St. Augustin, Germany: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, April 1991. In German.
Abstract: The reachability problem is examined for two types of restricted Product Nets. Its undecidability is proven for Product Nets without inhibitor and erase arcs. For Product Nets without inhibitor and erase arcs which have finite definition regions it is shown that the reachability problem is decidable. A normalform representation of Product Net markings, that allows to define a linear ordering on a set of Product Net markings, is also developed. This linear ordering makes it possible to store markings evaluated during the complete reachability analysis of a Product Net in a balanced search tree (AVL-tree).
Keywords: reachability analysis (of) restricted product net(s); undecidability; decidability; inhibitor arc; erase arc; finite definition region; linear ordering (on a set of) product net marking(s).