In: J.-M. Colom, M. Koutny (Eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Proc. of 22nd International Conf. on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2001 (ICATPN 2001), pages 23-31. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2075, edited by G. Goos, J. Hartmanis and J. van Leuwen, Springer, June 2001.
Abstract: We set the ground for research on a timed extension of Petri nets where time parameters are associated with tokens and arcs carry constraints that quality the age of tokens required for enabling.The novelty is that, rather than a single global clock, we use a set of unrelated clocks - possibly one per place - allowing a local timing as well as distributed time synchronisation. We give a formal definition of the model and investigate properties of local versus global timing, including decidability issues and notions of processes of the respective models.