In: Philippi, Stephan: Fachberichte Informatik, No. 7-2000: 7. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, 2.-3. Oktober 2000, Koblenz, Germany, pages 90-95. Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Informatik, October 2000.
Abstract: The present note investigate properties of Chameleon systems, a variant of a class of Petri nets introduced by R. Valk under the name Object Systems. Chameleon nets, as introduced in Kis et al. (1997), differ compared to Object systems: first, by allowing also tuples of token nets on places; second, by the introduction of a time concept; and, third, by the restriction to such nets that can be unfolded to some well studied classical net type as e.g. Place/Transition nets or Time Petri nets. This way, the advantage of simple and clearly arranged modelling and simulation can be combined with the analysis power of established Petri net analysis tools. Here, we introduce a new net class, called Chameleon Petri nets, and discuss their properties and relations. s Multi-level Petri nets, Modeling, Simulation, Analysis