In: TENCON'89 Fourth IEEE Region 10 International Conference Information Technologies for the 90's; E²C²: Energy, Electronics, Computers, Communications, Nov 22-24, 1989, Bombay, India, pages 622-625. 1989.
Abstract: In the context of discrete event simulation, the authors show that SPNs (stochastic Petri nets) provide a natural model because transitions represent the events and the SPN incorporates a considerable amount of information about the set of events that can occur when the process is in a particular state and about the sets of `new events' and `old events' when a transition occurs in a particular state. Also, the marking process of an SPN is a generalized semi-Markov process which is the usual model for the underlying stochastic process of a discrete event simulation. A software package has been developed in the language C, for discrete event simulation based on SPNs