In: Systems, Computers and Communications, 18-20 July 1995, Kumamoto, Japan: Proc. of 1995 Joint Technical Conference on Circuit, pages 766-769. July 1995.
Abstract: Signal Transition Graphs(STG's) are Petri nets, which were introduced to represent a behavior of asynchronous circuits. To derive logic functions from an STG, the reachability graph should be constructed. In the verification of STG's some method based on Occurrence nets(OCN) and its prefix, called unfolding, has been proposed. OCN's can represent both causality and concurrency between two nodes by net structure. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to derive a logic function by generating sub-s tate space of a given STG using the structural properties of OCN. The proposed algorithm can be seem as a parallel algorithm for deriving a logic function.
Keywords: signal transition graph, occurrence net, asynchronous circuit, derive logic functions, avoidance of state space explosion.