In: 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'05), pages 987-991. 2005.
Abstract: Performance Management of collaborative business processes refers to the modeling, analyzing and monitoring of interrelated production, logistics and information processes on an operational level. In this context it is essential to figure out how critical situations can be detected in time, and how important changes can be discovered as early as possible. In particular analyzing potential exceptional states of performance indicators and matching counter measures in target-oriented simulation scenarios before implementing collaborative business processes is not supported by the current approaches. In this paper, we present a process-oriented approach to performance management of collaborative business processes, based on high-level Petri nets. By employing Petri-nets performance management as a whole can be improved. We will also demonstrate the modules and basic functions of a Petri net-based, software prototype, called INCOME2010 designed to support the complete process life cycle of process-oriented Performance Management.