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Decidability of model checking with the temporal logic EF.

Mayr, Richard

In: Theoretical Computer Science 256 (1-2), pages 31-62. April 2001.

Abstract: The branching-time temporal logic EF is a simple, but natural fragment of computation-tree logic (CTL) and the modal mu-calculus. We study the decidability of the model checking problem for EF and infinite-state systems. We use process rewrite systems (PRS) to describe infinite-state systems and define a hierarchy of subclasses of PRS that includes Petri nets, pushdown processes, basic parallel processes (BPP), context-free processes and PA-Processes. Then we establish the exact limits of the decidability of model checking with EF in this hierarchy.

Model checking with EF is undecidable for Petri nets and even for parallel pushdown automata (the pushdown extension of Basic Parallel Processes). On the other hand, model checking with EF is decidable for PAD, a process model that subsumes both PA-processes and pushdown processes.

Keywords: Infinite-state systems; Temporal logic; EF; Model checking; Process algebra; PA-processes; Pushdown processes.

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