In: Proc. 9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98), 24-26 June 1998, Nancy-Metz, France, Vol. 2, pages 21-26. 1998.
Abstract: This work presents a method to compute the mutual exclusion degree of processes and of pairs of processes in order to perform hardware/software partitioning. Considering that the proposed partitioning approach allows for the use of multiple software components, several aspects of multiprocessing system have to be considered. One of the new main problems in system with multiple processors in the throughput degradation caused by the saturation effects. Most allocation approaches take into account criteria such as interprocessor communication and workload between processors. Another very important aspect which should be considered is the mutual exclusion degree between processes. Mutually exclusive processes are less likely to reduce performance when assigned to one single processor. However, even mutually exclusive processes could allow for distinct levels of concurrency.
Keywords: Petri nets, formal methods, mutual exclusion, system design.