In: Third International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD'03), Guimarães, Portugal, pages 216-228. IEEE, June 2003.
Abstract: The Petri Box Calculus (PBC) combines two well known paradigms of the design of concurrent systems: process algebras and Petri nets. In our first proposal of sPBC (stochastic PBC) we defined a Markovian extension of finite PBC, i.e., we had a Markovian process algebra for which both an operational and a denotational (based on stochastic Petri nets) semantics were defined. Our goal in this paper is to improve the semantics for the synchronization operator, in order to define a stochastic equivalence relation.
Keywords: Petri Box Calculus; Stochastic Petri Nets; Stochastic Process Algebra; Performance Evaluation.