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Introducing the Iteration in sPBC.

Maciá, Hermenegilda; Valero, Valentín; Cazorla, Diego; Cuartero, Fernando

In: Proceedings of Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems -- FORTE 2004: 24th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Madrid Spain, September 27-30, 2004, pages 292-309. Volume 3235 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / David de Frutos-Escrig, Manuel Nunez (Eds.) --- Springer-Verlag, September 2004.

Abstract: The main goal of this paper is to extend sPBC with the iteration operator, providing an operational semantics for the language, as well as a denotational semantics, which is based on stochastic Petri nets. With this new operator we can model some repetitive behaviours, and then we obtain a formal method that can be easily used for the design of communication protocols and distributed systems.

Keywords: Stochastic Petri Nets, Stochastic Process Algebra, Performance Evaluation, Petri Box Calculus.

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