In: International Journal of Intelligent Control Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, pages 359-375. 1999.
Abstract: The paper proposes a hybrid object-oriented colored Petri net model that has both the advantages of hybrid Petri nets and those of object-oriented colored petri nets (OOCPNs). It is very effective for overcoming the complexity problem of PNs and promotes model reusability which is very important for modern manufacturing systems. Three kinds of manufacturing systems: flexible manufacturing (FMSs), semiconductor manufacturing systems, and iron and steel making systems are used to illustrate the OOCPN modeling tool. The results show that OOCPN have good descriptive capability, and can easily be accepted by engineers because of their modularity, maintainability, reusability, and comprehensibility.
Keywords: colored Petri nets, hybrid Petri nets, manufacturing systems, object-oriented Petri nets.