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Verification in a Logic of Actions.

Lautenbach, K.; Simon, C.

In: Philippi, Stephan: Fachberichte Informatik, No. 7-2000: 7. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, 2.-3. Oktober 2000, Koblenz, Germany, pages 19-24. Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Informatik, October 2000.

Abstract: The presented Logic of Actions is a formalism to specify sets of processes. In this way, it is dual to propositional logic which is used to specify situations. Petri nets implement modules - the formulas of the Logic of Actions. Such implementations simplify proving and verification in this logic. Both direct and indirect proving is considered throughout this paper.

Keywords: Petri nets, Logic of Actions, Inference rules.

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