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Computer Aided Petri Net Design for Decision-making Organizations.

Kyratzoglou, I.M.; Levis, A.H.

Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Report No.: LIDS-P-1806, 1988.

Also in: Proceedings of the 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, pages 394-401. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Service Center, 1988.

Abstract: A computer-aided Petri net design system is developed for creating decision-making organizational architectures and for computing the structural attributes describing the organization. The design system has four modes of operation: a graphics editor mode, used for the interactive generation of the Petri net structure of the organization; a text editor mode, used to store, modify and retrieve attributes assigned to the Petri net primitives; a structural analysis mode and a hardcopy mode.

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