In: Proceedings of Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference, ICATPN 2004, Bologna, Italy, June 21-25, 2004, pages 484-493. Volume 3099 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Cortadella, Reisig (Eds.) --- Springer-Verlag, September 2004.
Abstract: Renew is a computer tool that supports the development and execution of object-oriented Petri nets, which include net instances, synchronous channels, and seamless Java integration for easy modelling. Renew is available free of charge including the Java source code. Due to the growing application area more and more requirements had to be fulfilled by the tool set. Therefore, the architecture of the tool has been refactored to gain more flexibility. Now new features allow for plug-ins on the level of concepts (net formalisms) and on the level of applications (e.g. workflow or agents).