In: Jensen, K.; Rozenberg, G.: High-level Petri Nets Theory and Application, pages 171-188. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Abstract: A specification language for nonsequential systems that unifies algebraic specifications of abstract data types with high-level Petri net specifications of dynamic behavior is presented. The data structure of a system, the information content of local states, and static constraints to state changing operations are specified by sorted Horn clause rules with equality. Behavior is specified by schemes of Predicate-Event nets together with an initial (distributed) state. Many sorted algebras provide a standard interpretation of such specifications in terms of the initial models satisfying the rules, the flow, and the initial state given. One concern of this paper is to sketch the mathematical semantics of the core language. The other is to define a notion of abstract system that supports modularity and reusability of specifications similar to abstract data types.