In: Proceedings of Rensselaer's Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1990, Troy, NY, USA, pages 364-371. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1990.
Abstract: Transformation methods are presented for generalized Petri nets by introducing the concept of a live and bounded circuit (LB-circuit). The authors also introduce the concept of an arc ratio, which is defined by the arcs' relations in an LB-circuit and is closely related to the liveness and boundedness of the net. Three transformation theorems are given for synthesis and reduction using these concepts. These theorems are used for reducing or synthesizing generalized Petri nets while preserving the liveness and boundedness of the net. The synthesis methods are illustrated for the design of a simple FMS.
Keywords: generalized net transformation; flexible manufacturing system; live (and) bounded circuit; arc ratio; liveness; boundedness; assembly process; robot.