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Scheduling with Chameleon Nets.

Kis, Tamás; Neuendorf, Klaus-Peter; Xirouchakis, Paul

In: 97: Proceedings of the Workshop on Petri Nets in System Engineering (PNSE'97), Hamburg, September 25-26, 1997 / Farwer, B.; Moldt, D.; Stehr, M.-O.: Report FBI-HH-B-205, pages 67-77. Universität Hamburg, September 1997.

Abstract: Chameleon nets are high level Petri nets based on the multi-level Petri net model of Object Systems introduced by Valk. The original model is extended with time thus allowing hierarchical and modular specification of real time systems. The original synchronisation mechanism is modified by the explicit definition of all possible synchronised transition steps. The general unfolding construction gives an equivalent Time Petri net which defines the semantics of the system at a larger granularity and serves this way as a first basis for the analysis of Chameleon nets. Important for scheduling applications is the use of the right time model as shown by an example. Finally some special analysis techniques, like symmetries and linear invariants of Chameleon nets are discussed.

Keywords: high level petri nets; time Petri nets; scheduling.

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