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Canonical Prefixes of Petri Net Unfoldings.

Khomenko, Victor; Koutny, Maciej; Vogler, Walter

In: E. Brinksma, K. Guldstrand Larsen (Eds.): Computer Aided Verification, 14th International Conference (CAV 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 27-31, 2002, pages 582-pp. Springer Verlag, LNCS 2404, September 2002.

Also in: Acta Informatica, Volume 40, Number 2, pages 95-118. October 2003.

Abstract: In this paper, we develop a general technique for truncating Petri net unfoldings, parameterised according to the level of information about the original unfolding one wants to preserve. Moreover, we propose a new notion of completeness of a truncated unfolding. A key aspect of our approach is an algorithm-independent notion of cut-off events, used to truncate a Petri net unfolding. Such a notion is based on a cutting context and results in the unique canonical prefix of the unfolding. Canonical prefixes are complete in the new, stronger sense, and we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for its finiteness, as well as upper bounds on its size in certain cases. A surprising result is that after suitable generalisation, the standard unfolding algorithm presented in [5], and the parallel unfolding algorithm proposed in [8], despite being non-deterministic, generate the canonical prefix. This gives an alternative correctness proof for the former algorithm, and a new (much simpler) proof for the latter one.

Keywords: Model checking; Petri nets; unfolding; canonical prefix.

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