In: Proceedings of Integrated Circuit and System Design: Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 14th International Workshop, PATMOS 2004, Santorini, Greece, September 15-17, 2004, pages 362-371. Volume 3254 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Enrico Macii, Vassilis Paliouras, Odysseas Koufopavlou (Eds.) --- Springer-Verlag, August 2004.
Abstract: This paper proposes a framework for software power cost estimation. This framework is conceived to be applied to embedded system design in which energy consumption is the main concern. The processor behavior is modeled in Colored Petri Net (CPN) so that to use CPN analyzing techniques for quantitative parameters. This approach allows to analyze consumption distribution along the program, using widespread CPN tool, as an open and retargetable evaluation environment. Such analysis helps designers to improve total consumption on either way: by software optimization and by software/hardware migration. A taxonomy is proposed in order to support that analysis. The main contribution includes the proposition of a method based on CPN for software power estimation that can be used as internal format for software power analysis tools.