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ISO CCR Formal Modelling and Verification via Projections.

Juanole, G.; Ayoub dit Ayadi, M.

In: Cosnard, M.; et al.: Decentralized Systems. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 10.3 Working Conference, 1989, Lyon, France, pages 387-398. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 1990.

Abstract: Consistency is an important requirement of distributed processing tasks. This property is all the more important as operational reliability is critical. This is why, ISO introduced CCR (Commitment Concurrency and Recovery) Application Service Element (ASE). Formal Description Techniques are viewed as essential for the design of complex systems. Formal modelling of CCR mechanisms, using Petri-nets-based models is presented. Emphasis is placed on verification via projections which allow verification of specific properties. Two projection techniques are considered (one based on the language equivalence, the other on observation equivalence).

Keywords: modelling, verification (via) projection(s); commitment concurrency (and) recovery, CCR; application service element; language equivalence; observation equivalence.

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