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Petri Nets Approach to Modelling and Logical Fault Detection of MOS LSI Circuits.

Idzikowska, E.

In: Singh, M.G.; Hindi, K.S.; Schmidt, G.; Tzafestas, S.G.: Fault Detection and Reliability; Knowledge Based and Other Approaches. Proc. of the 2nd European Workshop on Fault Diagostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge Based Approaches, pages 283-290. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987.

Abstract: The problems of modelling nMOS LSI/VLSI circuits are considered from a new perspective. The author describes a method of modelling MOS circuits with the help of Petri nets, as well as of modelling classical (stuck-at and bridging faults) and nonclassical faults by means of Petri nets.

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