In: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 15, No. 11, pages 851-861. 1999.
Abstract: This paper presents a Petri-net (PN) based automated guided vehicle system (AGVS) simulation system, AgvSimNet. The system is designed so that it call be used not only for off-line evaluation of a given flow-path layout and/or management strategy, but also for on-line system monitoring and dynamic dispatching control. AgvSimNet adopts modular PN modeling techniques for constructing complicated AGVS models. End-users of the system are not required to write any code to conduct their simulation tasks. Some special functions of the AGVS, such as zone control, blocking phenomenon and two-step-ahead forecast, are incorporated into the system. These special functions make the AGVSimNet model more accurate. Several common vehicle management rules are included in the system for users' elaboration and comparative study. Two verification and three application examples are presented to show the effectiveness of AgvSimNet. The results indicate that AgvSimNet gives satisfactory results for AGVS off-line evaluation. It also opens a promising new direction in applying simulators for off-line AGVS monitoring and dynamic vehicle dispatching control.
Keywords: AGVS, colored Petri nets, dispatching rules, automated guided vehicle systems, off-line simulation, on-line monitoring, timed Petri nets.