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Reconfigurable fault tolerant deadlock avoidance controller synthesis for assembly production processes.

Hsieh, F.-S.

In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2000), 8-11 October 2000, Nashville, TN, Vol. 4, pages 3045-3050. 2000.

Abstract: Guarantee of deadlock-free operations is a prerequisite for achieving high resource utilization in flexible manufacturing systems. As production processes may contend for shared resources, addition or removal of production processes has impacts on liveness property of the systems. Uncertainties on manufacturing systems may result in unavailability of resources and may in turn lead to deadlocks and have negative impacts on the scheduled activities and performance. Design of deadlock avoidance control logics for manufacturing systems with unreliable machines to meet changeable, high variety of product demands are challenging problems. The paper describes deadlock avoidance control synthesis algorithms that are (i) reconfigurable to incorporate or remove production processes while maintaining liveness property, (ii) robust to cope with uncertainties, and (iii) scalable for realistic cases.

Keywords: Petri nets, assembly production processes, controller synthesis, deadlock avoidance.

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