In: CIRP/IFIP/IFORS Workshop, 1989, Genova, Italy / Villa, A.; et al.: IFAC Workshop Series, Vol. 3; Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing. Proceedings of the IFAC, pages 11-16. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.
Abstract: The paper deals with the supervisory coordination and control of concurrent activities in an automated manufacturing facility. The subsystem state transition logic is represented by a class of controlled Petri nets (CPNs) with external inputs to be determined by the control synthesis algorithm. The authors formulate the forbidden state control problem in the CPN context and present a computationally efficient algorithm for generating maximally permissive controls. The problem formulation and control synthesis algorithm is illustrated for an example of automatd guided vehicle coordination.
Keywords: feedback control (for) forbidden state problems (in) discrete manufacturing system(s); state transition logic; controlled net; forbidden state control; maximally permissive controls automatic guided vehicle.