In: 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, Toulouse (F) 19.-22. October 1993, pages 34-43. 1993.
Abstract: Reactive real-time systems are parallel by nature. They are compound of tasks which run concurrently, share common resources and are submitted to strict temporal constraints. The synchronization between these concurrent tasks are severe and complex. Reactive real-time system programming and modelling tools have to represent faithfully the system intrinsic parallelism. They have to include powerful synchronization and time management primitives. In real-time programming area, one tool is considered powerful if it is based on efficacious primitives which have a rigorous semantic and if it permits, also, a clear and easy programming. In this study we present the design and the implementation of reactive real-time systems modelling and programming tool based on the Synchronous Petri Nets formalism (SynPN). This formalism combines the advantages of two existing formalisms: the Synchronous Languages (SL) and the Petri Nets (PN).