In: H. Ehrig, G. Juhás, J. Padberg, G. Rozenberg (Eds.): LNCS 2128: Unifying Petri Nets - Advances in Petri Nets, pages 103-pp. Springer Verlag, December 2001.
Abstract: Traditional development and management of software processes is based on the idea of centralized real world processes carried out at one location. Reasons for modelling these processes, their chronological and hierarchical order, their interrelations and their deliverables at different levels of detail is to better understand their tasks and dependencies [Tul95]. We call a set of hierarchically structured process models, related via interfaces, a process landscape. Each activity of a process model belongs to the process landscape, but can also be refined by a landscape [GW00b] again. The predominant view onto process landscapes is a logical view, paying most attention to logical dependencies. We develop such a landscape by applying the Process Landscaping method [GW00a].