In: Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, Revised Papers of the 9th International Workshop (DSV-IS 2002), Rostock, Germany, June 12-14, 2002, pages 16-28. Volume 2545 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / P. Forbrig, Q. Limbourg, B. Urban, J. Vanderdonckt (Eds.) --- Springer Verlag, December 2002.
Abstract: New approaches are currently being adopted to address the development of cooperative systems, although not many standards exist that can be used to develop this type of interactive system. We apply the standard Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation within a methodology aimed at the analysis and design of such systems, and present a semantic formalisation of the UML notation used to model cooperative systems. The semantics and its application are described on the basis of translation schemes to Coloured Petri Nets and the benefits of formalisation are shown.