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Algebraic Analysis of Petri Net based Control Algorithms.

Frey, G.; Schettler, H.-G.

In: Proceedings of the The Fourth International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'98), Cagliari, pages 94-96. IEE, August 1998.

Abstract: The algebraic analysis of Petri Nets combines structural analysis (Transition and Place-Invariants) with information about the initial marking of the net. The main advantage of algebraic analysis over graph based methods is, that the problem of state space explosion is avoided. Hence, algebraic conditions are - in most cases - easier to check for large systems. In this contribution necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for the correctness of Petri Net based control algorithms are presented.

Keywords: Interpreted Petri Nets, Automatic Control, Algebraic Analysis, Invariants.

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