In: Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, PNPM'01 Aachen, Sept. 11-14 , 2001, Reinhard German and Boudewijn Haverkort (eds.), IEEE, pages 39-48. 2001.
Abstract: In this paper we describe the experience in modeling contact centers through Stochastic. Well Formed Net (SWN) models in an industry driven project. The paper describes the problem and shows some of the questions that SWN models could answer but also highlights some limitation of the formalism and the tools used for the analysis. It then discusses the work done to rationalize the model construction and analysis tasks, setting up a methodology and a library of reusable submodels to allow quick development of models of other systems in the same class. We also discuss the acceptance of the proposed approach in the company.