In: LNCS 2244: Perspectives of System Informatics, pages 255-pp. 4th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, PSI 2001, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 2-6, 2001. Revised Papers / D. Bjørner, M. Broy, A. Zamulin (eds.) --- Springer Verlag, December 2001.
Abstract: The paper aims at establishing the semantical background for extending Petri net formalisms with an object-oriented approach by bringing together Nested Petri Nets (NP-nets) of Lomazova and Linear Logic Petri nets (LLPNs) of Farwer. An introductory example shows the capabilities of these formalisms and motivates the proposed inter-encoding of two-level NP-nets and LLPNs. A conservative extension to the Linear Logic calculus of Girard is proposed - Distributed Linear Logic. This extension of Linear Logic gives a natural semantical background for multi-level arbitrary token nets.