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An Object Oriented Petri Net Approach to Embedded System Design.

Esser, Robert

TIK-Schrifenreihe, No. 16, pages 1-212. vdf Verlag 8092, November 1996. ISBN 3-7281-2416-8.

Abstract: This book addresses the automated design of complex systems that are embedded in a technical environment and are subject to real time constraints. The functionality of such systems is typically implemented in the form of mixed hardware and software subsystems where the partitioning of an implementation into various hardware and software based devices is dependent on various constraints such as cost, performance, power consumption, area and maintainability.

The approach is built upon a formal kernel language consisting of a class of high level timed Petri nets, augmented by object-oriented mechanisms. This kernel language is based on a formal model ensuring unambiguous specification and supporting a high level of analysis. It is homogeneous, that is does not rely on an external implementation language, and is general enough to support other more specialised formalisms, allowing designers the flexibility to choose the most appropriate formalism for the particular system to be modelled. The kernel language supports the modelling of real time requirements that prescribe certain time relationships between particular inputs and outputs.

Abstraction and refinement allow complex systems to be modelled and successively refined towards an implementation. The kernel language provides facilities for encapsulating behaviour and state within components described with classes. Classes define how inheritance properties are propagated and provide mechanisms for configuration, reuse and sharing. A system is a composition of communicating components at every level of abstraction. Component classes are defined, refined, reused and configured during the design of an embedded system. Refinement is supported by substituting less refined components with components containing an ever increasing amount of detail. The flexibility supported by the formal language is available to all other kernel based formalisms as they are also object oriented and can be refined and reused in the same manner as the kernel language. This approach is an extension of well known concepts and the resulting system is powerful and easy to understand.

Keywords: Time Petri nets, Object-oriented, Embedded Systems.

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