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Using Design/CPN to Design a Visualisation Extension to Design/CPN.

Elliot, M.; Billington, J.; Kristensen, L.M.

In: Proceedings of 4th Workshop and Tutorial on Practice Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools (CPN'02), pages pp.21-38. August 28-30 2002. Aarhus, Denmark.

Abstract: This paper reports on the use of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) and DESIGN/CPN in the development of a protocol to support the visualisation and animation of a range of systems that can be modelled using CPNs. The developed protocol facilitates the co-ordination between a DESIGN/CPN simulation, and an External Visualisation Package. The protocol is modelled and analysed using CPN's created using DESIGN/CPN. The analysis shows that the protocol works as required and contains no deadlocks. The paper also analyses a more robust version of the protocol.

Keywords: Design/CPN Extensions; Visualisation; Animation of CPN Models.

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