In: Proc. 1998 Int. Conf. on Application of Concurrency to System Design (CSD'98), 23-26 March 1998, Fukushima, Japan, pages 166-176. 1998. URL:
Abstract: The problem addressed in this paper is the following: how to use high-level petri nets for the reverse engineering of implemented distributed algorithms. A reverse engineering methodology is presented that is applied to a real (simple) Java applet-based client/server application. First, starting from the Java program, several abstraction steps are described using the CO-OPN/2 formal specification language. Then, a brand new research is presented that studies properties preservations during a refinement process.
Keywords: CO-OPN/2, Java programs, algebraic specification, client/server systems, distributed systems, formal specification languages, high-level Petri nets, object-oriented Petri nets, reverse engineering.