Technical Report LIT--231. Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Laboratoire d'Informatique Théorique, February 1991.
Also in: 91; 3rd Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality, 1991, Goslar, Germany / Best, E.; et al.: GMD-Studien Nr. 191; Hildesheimer Informatik-Berichte 6, pages 80-82. St. Augustin, Germany: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH --- Universität Hildesheim (Germany), Institut für Informatik, May 1991. Extended abstract.
Abstract: A simpler characterization is given for the maximality preserving bisimulation between labelled place/transition nets. The theory is extended to memoryless refinements and some preliminary thoughts are presented for selfconcurrent systems; the full refinement problem is then presented, and the case of interleaving semantics is considered.
Keywords: maximality preserving bisimulation (between) place/transition net(s); memoryless refinement; selfconcurrent systems; interleaving semantics.