In: Philippi, Stephan: Fachberichte Informatik, No. 7-2000: 7. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, 2.-3. Oktober 2000, Koblenz, Germany, pages 7-12. Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Informatik, October 2000.
Abstract: In the paper we define processes for elementary NCES modules with input and output structure (NCEM): For this, autonomous NCEM (NCEM without input and output structure) are first transformed to elementary nets with positive and negative context, and further to contextual nets ( nets with positive context without contacts). Then processes of autonomous NCEM are defined as processes of the transformed contextual net. For NCEM with input and output structure we define processes with respect to a structure of inputs and outputs which defines a set of partial orders on copies of inputs and outputs. Further, we introduce process equivalence for NCEM: Two modules with the same input and output structure are said to be equivalent with respect to this structure if there are processes of both modules which generate the same partial order of input and output copies included in the structure. All definitions are illustrated on simple examples.