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Petri Net Based Specification Techniques for Flexible Workflows.

Desel, Jörg

In: Weber, Ehrig, Reisig (Eds.): Proc. of 2nd Int. Coll. on Petri Net Technologies for Modelling Communication Based Systems, pages 65-74. DFG Research Group "Petri Net Technology", September 2001.

Abstract: One of the most significant deficiencies in Petri net based workflow description languages is the difficulty to capture flexibility of real business processes and workflows in models that are the basis for the enactment of workflow systems.We introduce an approach that looks at building models for workflow systems from a run-time perspective: the emphasis is on the models of the runs and not on the models of the entire processes. Instead of specifying the runs by a single model considering all possible alternatives and exceptions we use a hybrid specification language for runs with constructive and declarative components, which results in clear and readable specification models of manageable size.

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