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Causal Trees: Interleaving + Causality.

Darondeau, Philippe; Degano, Pierpaolo

In: Guessarian, I.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 469; Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes. Proceedings of the LITP Spring School on Theoretical Computer Science, 1990, La Roche Posay, France, pages 239-255. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1990.

Abstract: Causal trees are a variant of Milner's synchronization trees with enriched action labels which supply indication of the observable causes of observable actions, thus establishing an interleaving description of concurrent systems which faithfully expresses causality. Labelled event structures can be easily translated to causal trees. Various notions of equivalences are defined on caulsal trees, among which those based on causal strong and weak bisimulation, and axiomatized. History preserving bisimulation on labelled event structures coincides with causal strong bisimulation, and a notion of weak history preserving bisimulation is induced by causal weak bisimulation.

Keywords: causal tree equivalence; interleaving; synchronization tree; causality; labelled event structure; strong, weak, history preserving bisimulation.

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