In: Proceedings of the Seventh European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Oxford, England, pages 207-241. 1986.
Abstract: Petri nets are a family of tools for modelling the control flow of concurrent systems. They are well know for their practical descriptive power (graphical representation) and their deductive (validation analysis) and constructive (synthesis) theory. The present work is situated at the software implementation level of net-based system descriptions. As the title suggests we are mainly interested with the implementation by using high-level concurrent languages (Ada-like, CHILL-like, ...). To design, validate and implement a concurrent system, in some works Petri nets are (can be) used in a transparent way. Systems are described by means of a conventional programming language (Ada, CHILL,...) and nets are extracted automatically. If the net validation is successful, then the implementation is ready.analysis. Because of the importance of mainly binary (safe) models (possibly colored), in many cases (automation systems,...) our panorama will be centered on this class of models.