Rapport MASI No. 90--50, pages 1-18 pp.. Universite Paris, Institut Blaise Pascal, 1990.
Abstract: The simulation facility of the Great SPN package for the editing and analysis of timed and stochastic Petri nets is described. The software architecture of the simulation environment is based on the cooperation of a graphical editor for Petri nets with an event-driven simulation kernel. The simulator itself is made up of several cooperating processes, implementing a functional decomposition in a simulation engine, a graphical interface, and two measurement modules that collect statistics. An application to the evaluation of a complex multiprocessor model is included in order to illustrate the power of the tool for the study of multiprocessor computer architecture performances.
Keywords: timed stochastic net simulation; GreatSPN; net tool; graphical editor; event-driven simulation; multiprocessor performance.