In: Proc. 9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98), 24-26 June 1998, Nancy-Metz, France, Vol. 2, pages 59-64. 1998.
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to translate control algorithms for manufacturing systems designed as sequential functional charts (SFCs), also known as Grafcets, into the Ladder Diagram language typical of programmable logic controllers. The method preserves the structure of SFCs; in the resulting program each instruction is directly related to the evaluation of a transition, to the update of the marking or to the execution of an action. The method transparently handles the conversion of macro-actions thus allowing exploitation of hierarchical SFCs in the design phase. A case study is presented ti illustrate the technique.
Keywords: Grafcet, hierarchical functional charts, manufacturing systems, programmable logic controllers.