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Replacement of Open Interface Subnets and Stable State Transformation Equivalence.

Chehaibar, G.

In: Rozenberg, G.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 674; Advances in Petri Nets 1993, pages 1-25. Springer-Verlag, 1993.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a hierarchical design method, refinement by replacing place-bordered subnets, with a hierarchical analysis method based on equivalence and preorder. We consider nets with distinguised places (interface places) and distinguished states (stable states), called open interface nets (OI-nets); OI-systems are OI-nets such that the stable state net is a home space. Two equivalence notions are defined. Since an equivalence is too restrictive in hierarchical design and it is only possible to replace subnets of N whose border is a subset of the interface of N, an interface expansion operation is defined giving rise to a preorder.

Keywords: Place-Transition Nets; Hierarchical Design and Analysis; Open Interface Nets and Systems; Stable State Transformation Equivalence and Preorder; Replacement; Expansion; Robust Open Interface Nets.

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