In: Procs of the Fifth International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (IEEE PNPM'93), pages 138-147. IEEE Computer Society Press, Toulouse, France, 1993.
Also in: Boxma, O.J.; Koole, G.M.: Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods, CWI Tracts, Vol. 106, pages 265-283. Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1994.
Abstract: A general iterative technique for approximate throughput computation of stochastic strongly connected marked graphs is presented. It generalizes a previous technique based on net decomposition through a single input-single output cut, allowing the split of the model through any cut. The approach has two basic foundations. First, a deep understanding of the qualitative behaviour of marked graphs leads to a general decomposition technique. Second, after the decomposition phase, an iterative response time approximation method is applied for the computation of the throughput. Experimental results on several examples generally have an error of less than 3%. The state space is usually reduced by more than one order of magnitude; therefore the analysis of otherwise intractable systems is possible.