In: Magureanu, R.; et al.: ICED'88: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Drives, 1988, Poiana Brasov, Romania; Vol. 4, pages D1/11/1-13. Bucharest, Romania: Acad. Socialist Republic of Romania, 1988.
Abstract: The authors present the characteristics of automatic electrical drives of high complexity and an analysis of the duality space-time which appears in modelling when using Petri nets. The use of these models is illustrated for electrical drives for a flexible manufacturing cell. The whole system is also studied by means of production rules which are equally used in the reduction of the global Petri net. Modelling of the manipulator control before control implementation is essential as it guarantees the detection of any logical errors (such as deadlocks, collisions, idle running, superfluous energy consumption).
Keywords: electrical drive control; duality space-time; flexible manufacturing cell; reduction (of) global net; manipulator control.