In: Proc. 9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98), 24-26 June 1998, Nancy-Metz, France, Vol. 2, pages 411-416. 1998.
Abstract: Monitoring the discussion on environmental issues, modeling, planning and controlling logistical processes (manufacturing, transport, assembly, etc.) under environmental goals and constraints becomes one of the biggest challenges of the next centuries. Although logistics and environmental issues have been subject to research activities, the integration of both aspects into one concept of an environmental-oriented management system (EPMS) has not been addressed yet. In this paper, a Petri net based concept to describe, evaluate, and optimize logistical processes pursuing environmental goals and constraints, is proposed, starting from rough planning (i.e., feasibility check) until job shop control (i.e., scheduling and sequencing).
Keywords: Petri nets, environmental protection, production management.