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Bourjault, A.
Adamou, M.;
Zerhouni, S.N.;
Bourjault, A.:
Hierarchical modeling and control of flexible assembly systems using object-oriented Petri nets.
Perrard, C.;
Henrioud, J.M.;
Bourjault, A.:
Design methodology for flexible assembly systems.
Chappe, D.;
Bourjault, A.:
A Methodology for Assembly Systems Design.
Chappe, D.;
Bourjault, A.:
Utilisation de Reseaux de Petri Temporises pour la Conception et l'Evaluation de Systemes d'Assemblage Automatises.
Bourjault, A.;
Chappe, D.;
Henrioud, J.M.:
Petri Net Assisted Automatic Assembly-Routine Elaboration.
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